Published On:Senin, 30 September 2013
Posted by Agung Putra Dwijaya

51 Gambar Misterius Yang Berhasil Ditangkap Google Earth

Spoilerfor 1:

gambar Alien Hieroglyph

Spoilerfor 2:

mysterious triangle - segitiga misterius

Spoilerfor 3:

kepala orang indian gan...

Spoilerfor 4:

gambar swastika gan... kira2 lambang nazi gt

Spoilerfor 5:

ga tau gan apa ini...

Spoilerfor 6:

crop circle

Spoilerfor 7:

tulisan F*ck

Spoilerfor 8:

putih2 ditengah itu kyk susunan tulang

Spoilerfor 9:

tulisan bar

Spoilerfor 10:

kapal korea klo gak salah

Spoilerfor 11:

crop circle tp kurang jelas

Spoilerfor 12:

crop circle lagi

Spoilerfor 13:

pesawat banyak bgt

Spoilerfor 14:

landasan terbang ato apa ini

Spoilerfor 15:

gambar orng ayo apa itu

Spoilerfor 16:

sesuatu d tgh gurun

Spoilerfor 17:

tanda +

Spoilerfor 18:

crop circle

Spoilerfor 19:

kyk gambar pesawat gan

Spoilerfor 20:

gak tau itu simbol ap gan

Spoilerfor 21:

Spoilerfor 22:

gambar singa ya

Spoilerfor 23:

gak tau mirip hewan apa ini

Spoilerfor 24:

gambar kuda

Spoilerfor 25:

suatu pola di tengah gurun

Spoilerfor 26:

gambar kuda lg gan

Spoilerfor 27:

rabbit gan...

Spoilerfor 28:

gambar pesawat

Spoilerfor 29:

Acient Hieroglyph

Spoilerfor 30:

suatu simbol

Spoilerfor 31:

diduga ufo

Spoilerfor 32:

diduga ufo lg gan...

Spoilerfor 33:

crop circle bentuk firefox

Spoilerfor 34:

bentuk apa tu?? kyk sasaran target tembak

Spoilerfor 35:

crop circle

Spoilerfor 36:


Spoilerfor 37:


Spoilerfor 38:

crop circle

Spoilerfor 39:

kyk bentuk ikan

Spoilerfor 40:

bentuk segitiga

Spoilerfor 41:

orang naik kuda

Spoilerfor 42:

sasaran tembak

Spoilerfor 43:

kuda lagi gan

Spoilerfor 44:

kyk bentuk dinosaurus

Spoilerfor 45:


Spoilerfor 46:


Spoilerfor 47:

simbol warna merah

Spoilerfor 48:


Spoilerfor 49:

crop circle

Spoilerfor 50:

kurang ngerti itu apa gan

Spoilerfor 51:

crop circle

penjelasannya kira2 ini gan...
Spoilerfor buka:
29 51 57.76N, 31 12 57.51E The Pyramids of Gaza
30 30'38.82"S 115 22'56.14"E Black Triangular UFO
33 44'17.45"N 112 38'0.17"W Massive Triangle carved into mountains
53 50'59.55"N 1 58'12.02"W Red symbol in grass/crops
48 21'10.18"N 11 43'56.72"E Spiral Symbol in sand
61 17'58.92"N 149 37'25.62"W Alien craft with symbol on top
51 28'33.50"N 1 49'15.81"W Crop Circle Spiral
51 50'43.09"N 0 33'11.03"W The Lion
40 27'15.19"N 93 23'33.75"E Unknown image carved in mountains
Shark/Whale in Ocean - 32°39'40.85"N 117°14'3.38"W
Antarctic Expedition building 1 - 71°40'22.60"S 2°50'20.95"W
Antarctic Expedition building 2 - 71°40'12.14"S 2°50'3.64"W
Enormous Human Fingerprint - 50°50'38.73"N 0°10'19.69"W
Nazi Swastika shaped building - 32°40'34.19"N 117° 9'27.58"W
unknown - 39°39'38.05"N 115°58'33.73"W
Crazy public swimming pool - 52°29'52.24"N 13°27'13.67"E
Luxor Pyramid - 36° 5'44.67"N 115°10'32.06"W
Spiral Sand circle - 27°22'49.22"N 33°37'55.87"E
Launched Missle about to take out something - 38°13'36.05"N 112°17'56.56"W
World's biggest monolite - 25°20'38.21"S 131° 2'14.69"E
Kubuswonging - 51°55'13.32"N 4°29'25.41"E
Rainforest Cafe - 41°53'33.14"N 87°37'51.60"W
Oil Fields of Argentina with roadways- 37°39'16.06"S 68°10'16.42"W
Man-Made Reef Project - 33°24'16.25"N 117°37'29.29"W
Cargill Salt Ponds - 37°28'58.98"N 122° 3'33.15"W
Ptash Mine Pools - 38°29'0.16"N 109°40'52.80"W
Face: 39°26'24.76"N 84°17'34.93"W
Ufo 1: 45°42'12.73"N 21°18'7.53"E
Ufo 2: 45°42'2.99"N 21°15'48.86"E
Giant: 19°56'56.96"S 69°38'1.83"W
KFC: 37°38'46.31"N 115°45'1.41"W
Indian Head - 50° 0'38.20"N 110° 6'48.32"W
Mayan guy: 19°56'58.08"S 69°38'2.25"W
Lady's Head - 50° 0'36.09"N, 110° 6'35.17"W
Swastika Building - 32°40'37.25"N, 117° 9'22.02"W
White Building - 25°57'0.39"N, 97° 8'48.34"W
Giant bug: 48°51'28.95"N 10°12'17.88"E
Korean Ship: 35° 9'18.21"N 129° 8'51.37"E
Bomber= 52°20'10.98"N 0°11'43.17"W
Hovering car= 32° 0'42.88"S 115°47'10.97"E
Firefox crop circle: 45° 7'25.87"N 123° 6'48.97"W
BUFFALOES: 4°17'21.49" S 31°23'46.46" E
CAMELS: 15°17'40.32" N 20°28'47.42" E
ELEPHANTS: 10°54'13.66" N 19°56'06.15" E
FLAMINGOS: 21°50'36.15" S 35°27'00.60" E
HIPPOS: 6°53'53.00" S 31°11'15.40" E
6°54'00.10" S 31°11'11.67" E
ORYX: 24°57'18.60" S 15°51'30.61" E
SEALS: 18°26'45.45" S 12°00'44.20" E

dicocokin sndiri ya gan gambar ma nama2nya..
yg gak percaya ato dikira sotosop
boleh d cek video ato ke google earthnya lgsung gan
biar lebih jelas ini videonya gan
durasinya lumayan gan 8 menit

About the Author

Posted by Agung Putra Dwijaya on Senin, September 30, 2013. Filed under , , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Agung Putra Dwijaya on Senin, September 30, 2013. Filed under , , , , , , , . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

3 komentar for "51 Gambar Misterius Yang Berhasil Ditangkap Google Earth"

  1. 52.376552,5.198303 coba koordinat ini gan diperbesar nanti ada orang nyeret mayat ke danau

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