Published On:Senin, 20 Mei 2013
Posted by Agung Putra Dwijaya
Cheat Game Dragon City Fb
Cheat Game Facebook Dragon City atau Cheat Dragon City Hack Hatchery Terbaru 2013 akan segera bisa kamu coba sekarang juga setelah mengikuti beberapa tutorial berikut ini mengenai cheat game facebook yang satu ini.
Tools yang diperlukan :
[-] Cheat Engine
[-] Browser Mozilla/Chrome
Tutorial Menggunakan :
- Open Dragon City on Facebook
- Run Cheat Engine
- Select -plugin_container.exe (for firefox browser), chrome.exe (google chrome browser) or Select FlashPlayerPlugin
- Set Value Type to "Text"
- Write "eggs" and click scan
- Select all addresses
- So click on the red arrow button
- At the bottom box click 1 adress and then press CTRL+A
- Press ENTER key and edit the value to "infinite"
- Visit a neighbor and then click on return home and go back.
- Now you can add eggs to your hachery either from your inventery or breeding mountain.
- Enjoy Dragon City Hack.
Thanks to : Hack-cheat
sekian terima kasih
wassalamualaikum wr wb
mantap gan, lanjutkan sharingnya ya..
Hebat cheat dragon citi nya, walaupun prosesnya agak rumit.
lumayan buat koleksi
makasih kang
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